Hey guys so over at AskAnEnemy.com I tend to use the power of Livestream for my video game addiction, however with the Howard Roarke CD Release coming up in just a couple of hours, 28 to be exact, I figured I'd call on the bands performing and poke and prod them a bit. The following links are to the second episode of AAE TV live and the livestream for the show proper. Have any questions? Leave them here in the comments below or by calling 915.996.1223

Here's the link for the livestream tonight where I interview Lightning at the Opera.

AAE TV Live - Howard Roarke CD Release PreShow with Special Guests

This here's the link the actual show at Tricky Falls. If the internet holds up, fingers crossed, I'll get to stream the whole show for you guys otherwise you can just suck it up and show up. It's free! This livestream I primarily set up for my brother to watch from Japan but anyone else can watch it from the comfort of their own home.

AAE TV - Howard Roarke CD Release LIVESTREAM!!

Hope you guys have a blast and if you feel so inclined order a copy of "You Can't Destroy the World Without a Soundtrack: Part One - Orchestrate" from the storefront starting July 27th 2013.

Here's looking at you kid.
