Document your Inception, carve your path, and define your ideals.

Most Importantly, Never Compromise, even in the face of armageddon.

Devices In Shift (2002-????)

Jaycee Salinas - Guitars, Vocals, Programming

Jaycee Salinas - Guitars, Vocals, Programming

Manny Maldonado - Guitars

Manny Maldonado - Guitars

Isaac Maldonado - Bass

Isaac Maldonado - Bass

Adrian Solis - Drums

Adrian Solis - Drums

The guitars grab you by the throat and don’t let go; the vocals hold the knife, and the bass is the man who does all the threatening…everything works together to create a fearless, powerful sound that pushes the boundaries
— Stephen Carradini [Independent Clauses' review of "Velas Para La Enferma"]

For every twenty or so fails there will always be one astonishing accomplishment. I lead the horse to water, but destroyed it's legs in the process. I immediately realized that the beast had it's heart set on wine, as where I just wanted to hydrate. By that point I dove in head first and never looked back. I never did find out if it survived or died of dehydration, but one thing is certain, I sure do miss that horse. 



We released "Velas Para La Enferma" on Ask An Enemy Records in 2004. Currently out of print but still available digitally through iTunes.

AirPlanes are Better (2001-2002)

The band had long been formed before I came in to replace their drummer at the time. We went from playing shows where the only 5 people in attendance had no clue who we were, to performing for 500 people who had no clue who we were.  We were signed to Restart Records and yet I never truly knew what that meant.  We drove to Austin for South By Southwest 2002 in a 1974 Ford Econoline that my Mom found for sale somewhere on the outskirts of town. About half way there the hood came loose and smashed the front windshield, but when we pulled up to venue, we had a story to tell and had a blast. Almost immediately after we did a two week tour opening for El Paso's own Sparta.  Doesn't get any better than that.  #HUGLIFE



La Fuerza Del Debil

The Lipstick Device



Mr. Pink's Revenge

